List of patents

  • M. Gajek, S. Gao, D. Murli, R. Walker, W. DeFoor, J. Qadrud-Din, Text reduction and analysis interface to a text generation modeling system, US 11,861,320 B1

  • J. Johnston, M. Jones, D. Murli , N. Monnig, Techniques for efficient network security for a web server using anomaly detection, US 11,658,994 B2

List of publications

  • D. Murli and Y. Yamada, Supertrace formulae for nonlinearly realized supersymmetry, JHEP 04 (2018) 112 arXiv:1803.01080

  • A. Karlsson, H. Luo and D. Murli, Tree amplitudes from nonlinear (super)symmetries in Volkov-Akulov theory, Phys. Rev. D93 (2018), no. 4, 045019 arXiv:1705.10339

  • D. Z. Freedman, R. Kallosh, D. Murli, A. Van Proeyen, and Y. Yamada, Absence of $U(1)$ Anomalous Superamplitudes in $mathcal{N} geq 5$ supergravities, JHEP 05 (2017) 067 arXiv:1703.03879

  • R. Kallosh, A. Karlsson, and D. Murli, Origin of Soft Limits from Nonlinear Supersymmetry in Volkov–Akulov Theory, JHEP 03 (2017) 081 arXiv:1609.09127

  • R. Kallosh, A. Karlsson, B. Mosk, and D. Murli, Orthogonal Nilpotent Superfields from Linear Models, JHEP 05 (2016) 082 arXiv:1603.02661

  • R. Kallosh, A. Karlsson, and D. Murli, From Linear to Nonlinear Supersymmetry via Functional Integration, Phys. Rev. D93 (2016), no. 2, 025012 arXiv:1511.07547