ML Deployment Guide

I've consolidated a guide for ML model deployment on a remote machine served by FastAPI. I assume that you are starting with a pretrained model checkpoint.

Deploying with Docker on AWS and FastAPI

Note: For reference, this tutorial was done using a t2.xlarge instance on AWS.

Prerequisites. Ensure that docker is installed on the machine on which you run what follows. If you're using an Ubuntu-based AWS machine, then docker is already installed.

Cluster setup, directory structure

  • Instantiate a cluster on AWS, (or GCP, however I have not tested this there). Keep a note of the IP address of the cluster, as well as the exposed port of the cluster. It is conventional to set the cluster port to 80. Once the cluster is setup, ssh into it.

  • Ensure that your docker directory has the following directory structure:

| - Dockerfile
| - requirements.txt
| - app
|   | - (this is where your model is loaded into memory and used for inference)
| - pretrained_models
|   | - model_ckpt.bin (or equivalent saved model checkpoint)

(See Appendix for examples of what Dockerfile and requirements.txt look like.)

  • Copy the above directory from your local machine to the remote machine. There are several ways to do this, probably most commonly using either scp or rsync. I prefer rsync due to its versatility, one way to do this is rsync -az –progress -e {ssh creds for your machine} /local/path/docker ubuntu@A.B.C.D:/home/ubuntu/remote_docker. This will copy the directory to /home/ubuntu/remote_docker/docker/ on the remote machine. ({ssh creds to your machine} would look something like “ssh -i /path/to/pem/xyz.pem”.)

Getting docker going

NB: if the below docker commands bark at you, tack on a sudo in front of any or all of them.

  • On the remote machine, start the docker service with sudo service docker start

  • Build the docker image with docker build -t myimage . – this will create a docker image named myimage and install all the dependencies specified in requirements.txt.

  • Instantiate a docker container with docker run -d –name mycontainer -p 80:80 myimage. This will instantiate a container named mycontainer. Conventionally, port 80 of your docker container will be exposed. However, if in your Dockerfile you expose a different port (e.g. 7070, then the command should map port 7070 in the container to port 80 in the host), then you should instantiate the container accordingly: -p {host port}:{container port}.

  • If all goes well, you should be able to access your (deployed) model at A.B.C.D/docs . The details of the inputs and outputs are entirely dependent on how your model performs inference; that's all specified in

Clean up

Run the following sequence of commands (in order) to delete all containers and images.

  1. docker stop mycontainer

  2. docker rm mycontainer

  3. docker image rm myimage

  4. docker system prune –all

Finally, stop the service:

  • sudo service docker stop


  • requirements.txt contains all the software package requirements for your code to run, and it’ll be installed inside the container. Here’s an example (if you’re using FastAPI, you’ll at least need the last two lines below):

  • Dockerfile is essentially an instruction manual that tells docker to (a) copy the contents of your directory to the container and (b) install the required dependencies specified in requirements.txt. Make sure that when you copy it over, you retain the same directory structure as your docker/ directory. tiangolo's docker image (which we use as a base in this guide) expects the root directory to be called app, and the to be itself in a directory also called app (which is a child of the root directory app). Here is an example Dockerfile:

FROM tiangolo/uvicorn-gunicorn-fastapi:python3.7
COPY requirements.txt /app/requirements.txt
RUN pip --no-cache-dir install -r requirements.txt
COPY ./app/ /app/app/
COPY ./pretrained_models /app/pretrained_models
RUN apt-get update

Useful resources